Contenuto recente di TimoTheGreat

  1. TimoTheGreat

    [ATTIVO SETTEMBRE 2020]creazione nuove nazionali:AVANZAMENTO EUROPA 100%, AFRICA 77%, ASIA 100%, OCEANIA 91%, NORD AMERICA 100%

    Is there a quick way to delete generic player pictures, so it is just blank like Somalia? Because Guinea-Bissau and Sudan are definitely wrong....
  2. TimoTheGreat

    [ATTIVO SETTEMBRE 2020]creazione nuove nazionali:AVANZAMENTO EUROPA 100%, AFRICA 77%, ASIA 100%, OCEANIA 91%, NORD AMERICA 100%

    @Sobakus thanks but i've still got them, just asked for new people who will download it :-)
  3. TimoTheGreat

    [ATTIVO SETTEMBRE 2020]creazione nuove nazionali:AVANZAMENTO EUROPA 100%, AFRICA 77%, ASIA 100%, OCEANIA 91%, NORD AMERICA 100%

    @Amedeo17 I'm so glad that you will still continue with this project after the other guys stopped... I realized that here are some teams missing, which ggdaris had on PESGaming, like Sao Tome & Principe...! And he updated some teams which had stuff wrong, i think here are the old ones, like...